
Let’s talk!
+34 657 116 373

A great business opportunity for any company or consultant specialized in products and services for the ready-mix concrete industry.

Looking for partners worldwide to expand our solutions with local expertise

What are we looking for in a partner for Concrete Watcher™?

The value that our business partners provide is their presence and expertise in markets around the world. They have many years of experience in local practices, conditions, materials and standards, and are known and respected in the industry.

No matter where you are located, we value your experience.

Partner. Empresas y consultores independientes

Companies and
independent consultants

With more than 10 years of experience as concrete technologists or consultants, dealing with raw materials and concrete testing, concrete mix design, quality assurance and quality control of ready-mix and precast concrete plants, or similar experience.

Partner. Laboratorios de ensayo


Laboratories that provide technical assistance to concrete producers also benefit greatly by becoming Concrete Watcher partners. It's also a great opportunity to expand your value offer into monitoring services with our exclusive and patented system.

Partner: Empresas de desarrollo

GPS tracking

Who want to integrate a QA/QC monitoring system into their value offer. We have our own interface that we can easily adapt to exchange data with any system.

Partner: Personas con iniciativa y proactivas

and proactive people

With experience in concrete and the construction sector, great communication skills and experience in independent work.

Concrete Watcher is the most innovative solution in the concrete industry. We offer online and on-site technical support, consulting and training services, both directly and through our partners.

The partner program increases the value of technical support and consulting, with localized experts providing knowledge and experience in markets around the world.

If you are interested and want to know more, please contact us at

Long-lasting, win-win relationships

Benefits for members of the

Concrete Watcher Partners Network

Soluciones de crecimiento

We constantly update and expand our solutions to attract new customers and incorporate new technologies.

Ingresos estables

Our compensation system rewards long-term business and can be a source of passive income. Target your current customer base and increase revenue.

Condiciones de exclusividad

Based on your performance and your support in growing and expanding our customer base, we will reward you with exclusivity in your market.

Alcance mundial

We have reach and support around the world, with partners on every continent. Wherever you are, we can work together.